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Have a Happier, Healthier Summer by Using E-Cigs Instead of Tobacco

Summer is here at last! All over the country, people are planning all kinds of outdoor activities; from inviting friends around for backyard BBQs, to long and lazy weekends on the beach and strolls in the park. It’s altogether a happier, healthier time, so it’s no wonder we never want it to end.

For smokers who are intent on lighting up in any environment they can, summer is perhaps the best time of year to finally ditch the habit and become healthier. No-one is about to argue that it’s an easy task, however, and many smokers try all kinds of ways to quit, but end up failing and becoming frustrated. Is there anything they can do?

‘Gateway from Smoking’

Well, yes. It is now starting to emerge that vaping — using e-cigarettes and e-juice to deliver to produce vapour and an optional nicotine hit — is an ideal option to get smokers off cigarettes. It’s not just hearsay or a belief held among a select few, either. Detailed studies and respected health institutions are backing this claim up.

A number of important studies in Britain show that vaping is a real alternative for people who are desperate to give up tobacco. One of them, by the prestigious Royal College of Physicians in Britain, said “e-cigarettes are likely to be beneficial to UK public health” and that “e-cigarettes can act as a gateway from smoking.”

Indeed, a growing number of doctors are recommending to their smoking patients that they try e-cigarettes and their e-juice as a way to quit. Not only do they stand to vastly improve their health, as they would no longer be inhaling hundreds of toxic chemicals, but it’s much cheaper, too. Vaping products from leading low-priced e-juice brands like Vape Wild cost little compared to endless expensive packs of cigarettes. Vapers are protecting not only their health, then, but also their pocket and especially given the recent price hike in cigarettes.

Travel and Your Vaping Device and E-Juice

For those who are considering making the switch from tobacco to e-cigarettes this summer, there are some things to bear in mind. First of all: will you be flying? The Transportation Security Administration, responsible for aviation across the US, prohibits e-cigarettes and other vaping devices in checked luggage, but allows them in carry-on bags, as well as in pockets or elsewhere on a passenger.

“Battery-powered e-cigarettes, vaporizers, vape pens, atomizers and electronic nicotine delivery systems may only be carried in the aircraft cabin (in carry-on baggage or on your person)”, the TSA says. Individual airlines may (and often do) have their own additional restrictions, so check with your carrier before flying with vaping devices such as the popular Bo Vaping range.

Also, it’s hot out there. Electronic devices, including e-cigarettes, are generally not a fan of the heat. Take care to ensure your e-cigs aren’t left lying out in the sun; whether in the back yard, the beach, or in a swelteringly hot parked car. With all this great weather often comes very great storms — electrical, twisters and more that can knock out the power. Keep your vaping device fully charged so you’re not left out in the cold when you’re fixing for your e-juice hit.

If you’re planning to be near or in water, bring along your carry case or a sealed plastic bag to keep your e-cig safe from all that damaging moisture. Don’t just keep your e-cig safety in mind, but that of your e-juice, too. You won’t want it bubbling up in the heat and ruining your vaping experience. Keep it cool, dry place, but not in the refrigerator, as that temperature experience can also damage the properties and flavor of your e-juice.

Let’s hope that this summer, people have a more enjoyable and healthier time by vaping instead of lighting up.

About the author

Joseph Tapper

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